Special Attribute Lvl Cost
Flight (Skimmer) 2 7
Heavy Armor (Partial, damage reduced 50/25 pts) 5 19
Extra Endurance (Several days) 2 2
Life Support 2 2
Sensors 3 3
Toughness (+60 health points) 3 9
Manouvere Bonus (+1 initiative) 1 1
Extra Capacity (one additional passanger) 1 1
AI (basic remote control) 1 2
ECM (missile jamming) 2 2
Turret Weapon Systems
"Railgun; hypervelocity round"
(Long Range, Armor & Field Penetration, Accurate), damage 90 pts
10 40
"Railgun; submunition round"
(Long Range, Area Effect, Low Penetration), damage 60 pts
5 5
"Ion Cannon"
(Long Range, Autofire), damage 75 pts
7 28
Secondary Weapon Systems
"Burst Cannon"
(Autofire, Spreading), damage 45 pts
5 5
"Smart Missile System"
(Homing, Limited Ammo), damage 60 pts
5 5
Awkward Size 3 3
No Hands 2 2
Noisy 1 1
Crew Requirement (gunner) 1 1

A few notes:
Weaponry: The Hammerhead incorporates two weapon systems; the main weapon on the turret and a secondary one. There are two possible choices for both the turret and the secondary system. The main weapon choices are the Railgun, which can fire both armor piercing hypervelocity rounds and area-effecting submunition rounds,(for 45 pts) and the Ion Cannon (for 30 pts). Secondary weapons are chosen from a Smart Missile System and a pair of Burst Cannons (each cost 5pts).
Gunner: The Hammerhead usually has a crew of two men (well, Tau, actually), a driver and a gunner. The tank can be operated by the driver alone, but the main weaponry cannot be operated effectively while at the same time piloting the vehicle.
