The next days passed quickly enough. Katrin insisted on visiting Liina and Nopsa, so they were sent to the infirmary while Janos went to retrieve her. First, though, a ranger came and disguised them, binding them up in a number of places, as well as painting some very realistic-looking bruises and freshly healing scars on them and Janos as well. Katrin was a bit irritated and fearful, but sufficiently placated once told that the priests would get to healing them before her group was going to leave Kalaun. She even promised she'd help with the purchases Liina was supposed to make, and find out where Janos could deliver Liina's letters.

They visited the castle twice, both times in long monk-like robes, almost as covered up as the conspirators had been when the three had spied on them. Nopsa appreciated the irony. The first time was just Liina and Janos, getting a chance to hear and see some possible suspects. On the second time, spying was also involved, but they also got to talk with Ulrika for longer while, and for a bit with baron Filippa. The highlight, though, was a very quick visit from the king himself, giving thanks to them for helping his rangers and to Nopsa especially for saving his life.

In the end, they weren't sure how much they had helped. In the afternoon before they'd be going back to Longtree, Vilja and Keiho had one last talk with them. All the liege lords had been at the coronation, with all swearing loyalty to the king. Four, however, had left the city sooner than they should have, based on their known commitments. Burkhart was one, with the most suspicious being two from the southeast of Kuiko that had managed to avoid almost all contact with both rangers and church since the coronation. Both rangers and inquisitors would be watching all of them closely, though with the wizard city of Mara between the two and the capitol, it would be more difficult. They had had a bit more luck with catching a knight of the royal court, as well as the merchant that Janos had followed. Interrogations were still ongoing, but there was a strong suspicion that a charismatic cousin of the king would have been the chosen claimant of the conspirators. Unfortunately, he had solid alibis and no clear connections to any of the suspects. As for the cultist leader, since they had no other leads, it seemed quite possible he was one of the two liege lords evading contact – a chilling prospect for the future of the kingdom. Luckily, Liina, Janos and Nopsa could with clear conscience leave such problems to the people alrady working on them and return to Katrin, with some painted-on bruises to show for their time in the infirmary. More importantly, they also got some letters of recommendation to show to their parents.

The next morning, Katrin's group began to retrace their route. The trio got to have some private discussions with Ulrika, making sure their stories matched, as well as hearing of her plans. So far, it seemed like she had a chance of taking things slow, hoping she could get her mother to agree to play suitors against each other. She also took some time instructing Nopsa on how to properly work as a court servant, often getting Liina or Katrin to back her up when he got overly eager or stubborn. Liina suspected her of also getting in closer contact with Katrin in what ways she could. They visited the monastery, as promised, though it was of less importance with Liina already having her invitation to novicehood. However, Ulrika put the visit to good use, and managed to make a few good contacts for herself. After leaving the barony of Catamburg with nothing happening there, they said their farewells to Ulrika as well at St. Goswort, promising to stay in touch. On a cloudy summer afternoon, they returned to Wortbank, the grain in the fields darkening in green if not yet turning to gold.

One of Nopsa's friends had the honor of noticing their group, sprinting at top speed to alert the rest of the villagers of Wortbank. Soon, people were gathering around, with Liina and Janos surrounded by their families, and the runner continuing on to get Nopsa's family as well. Anna was crowing on how fine a set of dyes her son Janos had fetched her from the capital, and though he looked a bit bashful at the praise, Liina could see he was more irritated, waiting to have his private talk with his father. Melia was a bit disappointed with Liina not being able to talk of her errands with similar aplomb, but after quickly whispering to her mother that she had an invitation to begin novicehood at the cathedral, her mother calmed down considerably. Nopsa, of course, was boasting to his friends with what a great number of nobles he had seen, but keeping actual details scant.

A small feast was quickly planned, and as Nopsa's father arrived, he marched to them and drew his son into a hug. Looking over him, he then turned to Katrin.

"Did he behave himself?"

"Actually, quite well. He did miss some chores, but as he also got trampled by a crowd and was stuck at the church infirmary, I can't really fault him."

"We heard some news, yes. An actual assassination attempt on the king, right before his coronation?"

"Indeed. Now, I'll tell that tale later, but for now, yes. All three of your children acted quite admirably, and I have no complaints about them."

Nopsa beamed, with Liina and Janos being – well, not uncomfortable with the praise, but with the secrets they were keeping. With people bringing food and drink, as well as wanting to ask many a question, they certainly were the centers of attention that evening.

Next morning, all woke up sufficiently early to say their thanks and goodbyes to Katrin. While waiting, they also had a moment to discuss their future, after Liina had teased the bleary-eyed Nopsa.

"So, how did your father take the news that you'd managed to finagle a place for yourself in Filippa's court?"

"Well, I did have to try to act humble, and I told him it would only be until the spring for now. He's still insisting that we write as good a letter to Ulrika as possible, full of praise and thanks. We'll probably be asking for advice from you, come to think of it. Feel like seeing how over the top you can go?" He grinned.

She laughed. "Sure. I can hopefully deliver it to her when I travel to Kalaun again. I can't imagine I'll be able to write much anything as silly for the next few years."

"How did your mother take it? I mean, she's obviously happy for you finding a good place for yourself," and glancing at Janos, "as well as getting one up over Anna." Janos sighed, but let Liina answer first.

"Well, she's sad to see me go, certainly. But I don't think she ever had much hopes of me continuing on the farm, or founding another with someone else. Too much eagerness in reading books for too long."

"And I've been wandering in the forests for long enough that I hope my mother will understand my decision. I alread talked with dad, and he's thinking things out. He doesn't fully approve, but understands, and we'll probably talk to mother next week. It helps that the rangers promised that when a patrol is nearby in the near future, one or two will stop and talk with us. It should lessen her worries."

Nopsa seemd unconvinced. "They still can't say it isn't dangerous."

"No, but they can maybe play up the side of protecting the kingdom. And, I mean, each ranger does give his vow of loyalty directly to the king. Once it comes up that you've got a medal from him personally, she might think less of my meeting him, but maybe delay that enough that I get my trainee year in first, please?"

"Oh, fine. Besides, I have to learn how to act properly, and keeping secrets seems to be a big part of living in a court. I don't know. I mean, I suppose I might be happy enough as a farmer, but also… there's so much to see in the world, so much to experience. Learning how to act in a court will certainly be useful. But maybe I could also travel with Katrin? Get by with buying and selling things? Or learn a craft? I'm passable at woodcarving… or, I know, the alchemist with the strange stretchy rope?" He pulled out his bouncy slingstone, started throwing it in his palm as he continued. "That might interesting, learn how to create new materials."

Liina sighed, but lightly. "Well, start off with Filippa's court. You'll probably see a lot of different things there. And who knows, maybe the king might need a servant who knows a little bit of everything?"

"Hey, great idea! Now–"

Katrin walked up to them, interrupting him. "Well, you three. Back home at Wortbank, at least for now. Any last complaints, before I leave?"

Nopsa chuckled, Liina and Janos grinned. "You showed us a whole lot of the world, no complaints there. Though, if it turns out court life isn't for me, can I try out being your assistant?"

She laughed. "Sure, if Ulrika doesn't beat you to it. Though, I'm still wondering. How DID you manage to get her to sponsor you as a servant to Filippa?"

"Ahh, well, I did have to do a lot fast talking…"

"Mmmh. On the other hand, seeing how you got us into the city when we arrived, I shouldn't be surprised. Well, make sure there's a decent bunk for me at Filippa's castle when I arrive to make deals, will you?"

"If I can. I don't know the place through and through. Yet."

"Learning circumspection already. I'll take some credit from our trip teaching that to you."

Liina could see Nopsa was storing the difficult word in his mind, to ask her later about it.

"Well, my thanks as well for everything. And I hope I'll see you again, though it probably won't be often if I'm moving to Kalaun."

"Probably not. How about you, Janos?"

"My thanks as well. As for seeing you, well, we'll see. I hope to be doing more traveling in the future as well, but… I don't want to talk about it quite yet. You'll hear about it the next time you visit Wortbank, I'm sure."

"I'm sure I will. Now, goodbye, and fare thee well."

"See you! Come and visit Filippa often!"

"May Ripats keep you safe on the roads!"


As they watched her, the harbringer of their future lives, walk away towards Kassburg on the faraway southeast coast, each also felt another, larger sadness. They'd been friends all their lives, in Wortbank, but soon, each would be on their own path. At least there was no reason to believe that they couldn't find new, equally trustworty, companions for their future journeys.